Global Life was established in 2019 after a mission trip to Peru. This was a life changing moment when I realised that most of the worlds population don’t live like we do in the West. The things we take for granted like clean water from a tap are not even close to a reality for most of the worlds population. We wash our cars with drinking water that would last a family for months and take weeks to collect, or cost a huge part of their weekly income to purchase. So are we just lucky to be born in weathly western countries? Maybe? Well then you might want to ask why are so many kids in the West on antidepressants, why is suicide so high, why are young people shooting up schools. Something is not adding up, we have so much and yet our young people seem to be so troubled. Maybe I’m missing something? Or maybe I have realised something, that I think we all know if we would stop for a minute to think about. Happiness is not found in what we have but in what we do for others. Doing this work might cost me financially but I know I have gained something a lot more valuable.